You can prevent pain in the neck and shoulder area by strengthening your neck muscles. Long, sedentary jobs can lead to spinal overload and, as a result, neck pain. It is better to weave movements and small exercises into your daily routine every now and then. Don’t just sit, get up every now and then and move around a bit.
It is recommended to regularly exercise your muscles in the shoulder and neck area. If the first tensions appear, you should stretch the affected area every now and then. Stress or significant, psychological strain can also lead to neck pain. Try to make your everyday life as stress-free as possible. You should also pay attention to the following points:
- Design your workplace according to ergonomic aspects
- a headset when talking on the phone can relieve the neck muscles
As soon as you notice the first neck pain, you should not fall into an unnatural protective posture. It is better to keep moving. Too much rest tends to be counterproductive to the healing process for neck and back pain. We would be happy to show you what else you can do for prevention and acute neck pain. Make an initial appointment at our Orthopedic Center Munich East.