
According to § 5 Telemedia Act

OZMO – Orthopedics Center Munich East
Civil law partnership GbR
Münchener Str. 14, 85540 Haar

Tel.: +49 (0) 89 4141 434-64

Personally liable partners

  • Dr. med. Frank Meinhard Balensiefen
  • Prof. Dr. med. habil. Peter Diehl
  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. habil. Schauwecker

Competent supervisory authority:
Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Bavaria
Upper Bavaria District Office
Elsenheimerstrasse 39
80687 Munich

Competent chamber:
Bavarian Medical Association
Mühlbaurstraße 16
81677 Munich

Job titles:
Physician, specialist in orthopedics, sports medicine (Balensiefen), physician, specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery (Diehl, Schauwecker), physician

Federal Republic of Germany

Professional Regulation:
Professional code of conduct for physicians in Bavaria

Concept, text and implementation:
steinicom – Steinicke Online Marketing
Rik Steinicke
Meßmerstraße 2a, 12277 Berlin

Important note for all links
In its decision of May 12, 1998 – 312 O 85/98 – “Liability for Links”, the Regional Court (LG) of Hamburg ruled that the inclusion of links also leads to co-responsibility of the material offered via these links. According to the LG, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from this content. We hereby expressly distance ourselves from all contents of all linked pages on our homepage and do not adopt these contents as our own. This declaration applies to all links on this website.

The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is regularly updated. However, no guarantee can be given that all information is complete, correct and up to date at all times. This applies in particular to all connections (“links”) to other websites to which direct or indirect reference is made. All information can be supplemented, removed or changed without prior notice. All product names, product designations and logos mentioned on this website are registered trademarks and the property of their respective owners.