Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis – what is it exactly?

Spinal stenosis, also known as spinal canal stenosis, refers to a narrowing of the spinal canal. The spinal canal is also known as the spinal canal, which explains the naming of this type of stenosis. Not every spinal stenosis necessarily leads to complaints. Especially in the early stages, there are no or hardly noticeable symptoms. Only over time does the increasing narrowing of the spinal canal lead to significant impairment.

Persistent spinal stenosis manifests itself not only in a narrow spinal canal. It constricts the nerve roots and causes mild to severe back pain. The pain usually occurs during movement, such as walking. Other activities, such as cycling or sitting in general, result in relief of pain. There is a stretching of the spinal canal and the nerves have enough space again.

Spinal stenosis is divided into two variants: lumbar and cervical spinal stenosis. Lumbar spinal stenosis occurs in the lumbar spine, while the cervical variant affects the cervical spine.